Love, dating & Soulmate Manifestation Coach

Single, Smart & Successful In Your Career Yet Struggling to meet the right man?  

Want to be in an effortless, committed & fulfilling Long-term relationship 
that Aligns with your goals & values? 

Love, Dating & Soulmate Manifestation Coach

Michelle Chung

Single, Smart & Successful In Your Career Yet Struggling To Meet The Right Man?  

Want To Be In An Effortless, Committed & Fulfilling Long-Term Relationship That Aligns with your goals & values? 

Apply for 1-1 Coaching
FREE 30 minute zoom call, friendly & obligation free!
MANIFEST LOVE - 1 day womens Workshop
Barcelona: Sat 24th JUNE 2023 / 10am - 6pm
Why it's so hard to meet the right Man right now ...
  • You meet men easily, just NOT THE RIGHT MEN who want a committed long term relationship, who are conscious and want to grow
  • ​All those online dating apps, networking & 'getting yourself out there' can be totally random & a waste of time, full of men who are looking for fun & convenient relationships
  • You've had a bit of a love drought and haven't been in the dating game for a while, and maybe you've been single for 4+ years, especially after a divorce or perhaps you've never had the time or inclination to make a relationship a priority
  • ​​You've probably done a lot of inner work, therapy & want to find the easiest, most effective way to meet the right man, without dating apps, chasing men, or a lot of effort, worry, doubt that you'll miss out on meeting your soulmate and experiencing true love!
  • ​You've been burned in the past & followed all the gurus on Instagram & online, but you're still feeling stuck, frustrated & apathetic about ever finding your soulmate, because you still feel like there is something blocking you, mentally & emotionally and no one can tell you how to fix this
New Business planning - 
90 Min strategy session
Business Growth & Scaling -
90 Min Strategy Session
Where are you on your Love Journey?
Discover why you keep attracting the same types of relationships & how to have a loving, committed & stable relationship instead
>> Get the Amazon Bestselling book! <<
How to stop dating & be in an effortless, Committed relationship
Are you an A-Type Alpha Woman and find it hard to meet the right man for you? In this funny, heartwarming, straightforward guide to modern dating, Michelle shares her wisdom & knowledge on avoiding online dating and manifesting your Soulmate

>> Get The Amazon 
Bestselling Book <<

How to stop dating & be in an effortless, Committed relationship
Are you an A-Type Alpha Woman and find it hard to meet the right man for you? In this funny, heartwarming, straightforward guide to modern dating, Michelle shares her wisdom & knowledge on avoiding online dating and manifesting your Soulmate
>> Listen to the podcast <<
Interested in learning about love, life & how to use the Universal Laws to Manifest (not chase!) him into your life? This podcast will have you thinking deeper and learning new concepts & philosophies that will transform the way you see the world

>> Listen to the Podcast <<

Interested in learning about love, life & how to use the Universal Laws to Manifest (not chase!) him into your life? This podcast will have you thinking deeper and learning new concepts & philosophies that will transform the way you see the world
>> Free training <<
 How to Quickly & Easily Filter Out the Wrong Men in 10 minutes So You Can Meet High Value Men Who Want A Committed Relationship With You 
>> How to work with me<<
Go at your own pace in private
You are ready to find your SOULMATE and you want to go at your own pace. Click to learn the details of the program

Work 1-1 with Michelle
You're ready to invest in yourself & want to work one to one with Michelle so you can have a customised, one of a kind experience
Click to learn more about 1-1 coaching

>> How to Work with Me<<

Go at your own pace in private
You are ready to find your SOULMATE and you want to go at your own pace. Click to learn the details of the online program

Work 1-1 with Michelle
You're ready to invest in yourself & want to work one to one with Michelle so you can have a customised, one of a kind experience
Click to learn more about 1-1 VIP coaching

Here's What Clients are Saying

Kyrin Dunston
Womens Hormone Doctor
Georgia, USA

Elouise Cloete
Events Management
Johanesburg, South Africa

Shawn Brumfield
Coach & Speaker
Maryland, USA

Iris Jacobs
Video Film & TV Production,
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Why I love working with women to find Their Soulmate
      My name is Michelle Chung, and I've trained with the best in the industry - the John Maxwell Team, Paul MartinelliChristian Simpson, James Wedmore, David Neagle - the top leaders in personal growth and coaching for the last 50 years, and spent the last 15 years working on my own growth and development with my own coaches and mentors.

      Previous to coaching, I had an 18 year career in Product Design & Development, and in 2008 I invented and patented a unique shoe design, sold that business after 5 years (selling online and all throughout Australia), I've been published in a Fashion book, I've worked with international companies with distributors in the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada, I am also an entrepreneur & property investor.
 I had achieved so much in my life so far but never felt truly fulfilled. 
       So after my marriage broke down in 2014, I went travelling and lived the Digital Nomad life and lived in 12 cities in 12 months, along with other countries I'd always wanted to visit.

      In 2019, following my intuition, I moved to Barcelona for a sea change, and there I started my life coaching business, manifested my perfect partner and had an amazing European lifestyle living by the ocean & mountains while working with my dream clients & students of my coaching programs
By deeply evaluating my own life and the lives of clients and friends around me, I noticed a pattern when it came to relationships and love. 

I realised dating and finding the right person, you can actually follow a formula that can give you the results you are looking for, and that finding your perfect partner is not just about random chance or a numbers game! 
I also realised that independent A-Type Alpha Women 
need and want partners who have similar ambitions and life goals, 
and most women DON'T want to waste time dating in order to meet their SOULMATE
I also realised that independent A-Type Alpha Women need and want partners who have similar ambitions and life goals, 
and most women DON'T want to waste time dating in order to meet their SOULMATE
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